Thursday, January 7, 2021

Have you ever thought what is Artificial intelligence! So let's know about Artificial intelligence!


Get to know Artificial Intelligence

 Have you ever wondered what is Artificial intelligence!  What are its benefits?  And what are its disadvantages!  So, today we know something about it and identify you with your thinking!  But for this you have to read this whole!  Because you have to take some time to know something!

Artificial intelligence knows a lot about it!  And many people don't even know!  Those who do not know, people must be wondering what is this word, why is this word being given so much importance!

So there is nothing to worry about it!  Because Artificial intelligence is nobody else but you yourself!  You have Artificial intelligence!  You control it every day!  If seen in the true sense, he is your true good companion!  Leave it, you will not understand it, so let's make friendship with your Artificial intelligence, tell you something about it!

You guys must have heard a lot about Artificial intelligence!  And many people know about it but those who do not know about it, then know how you are using it!

Nowadays, every person keeps a smart phone, even if it is read and written, even if he is illiterate!  And anyway, it is not necessary to run a smartphone that every person is read and written because you have ever noticed why the name of the smartphone is called smartphone!  In this way, even a wise, educated phone could be named!  To run this phone, it is not necessary that every person is read and written!  Every person should be smart for that which is called (clever) and every person is smart!  Whether he is a farmer cultivating a farm or a laborer who builds a house, because every man is smart in his work!  But that does not mean that you stop reading, I am telling you that friends, there was a time when there was no education, then it was the smartness of humans who discovered education!  And of course remember this thing, never underestimate a less educated person because every illiterate person is not stupid!  So you must have understood why smartphone is called smartphone!  So let's know now about Artificial Intelligence

Like you guys knew about smartphones!  Yes, in today's time we are using Artificial intelligence in our smartphone!  Such as: Google Map, Google Assistant, Apple Siri, Alexa, are using it as software!

 And do you know that humans are such an organism in this world!  Who has power!  Now you will think what kind of power is the power of 'mind', yes, and God has given the mind to man and also has the skill to use it properly!


That is why from where man has reached with his intelligence and skill, and on the strength of this intelligence, humans have invented many more such as Smartphone, Computer, Internet!  And these inventions have also made us human beings very easy to do many things!

 And because of this, we humans have developed so much in the field of technology!  Thinking about making a mobile machine that uses thinking and using its brain to think like that!  Which can have the ability to work just like humans!

And the machine made with that advanced technology is called Artificial intelligence!  Which we also call artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence in Hindi!  So now you have come to know a little about what Artificial intelligence means!  And now know what are the advantages and disadvantages of Artificial intelligence!  And how are you being in control of Artificial intelligence and because of which you have stopped thinking about anything new!

 Leave it, you will not understand it, for this we will have to explain you in another way and for this you will have to read it completely, only then you will understand it

Artificial intelligence called artificial intelligence!  Now you must be wondering what is the meaning of artificial intelligence!  Artificial here means created by a person and intelligence means intelligence.  Like A.I is a branch of computer science!  Who are developing such a machine!  Who can think like a human and can do many things!

Just like we prepare a machine in such a way that can work exactly like a human being, it is called Artificial intelligence!  Now you must be thinking how this can happen!  How can a machine work like that, it is only in the movies like humans!  No, don't think so at all, it is the age of technology!  And our coming time is going to bring even more deadly technology!  And understand that if a person is born and will keep him locked in a room, can that person ever do any work? Oh, he will not be able to speak properly and that is the power of intelligence!  It grows on its own inside us humans!  Thinking something, seeing something, listening to something, touching something, we can think of how we should treat that thing!  In the same way, an intelligence is developed inside the computer equipment as well!

Through which the Robotic System is prepared!

 Which runs on the basis of their methods, on the basis of which the human mind works!  And some computer science scientists had told that a plan is being made to make such a computer control machine or such software by A.I Concept!  Who can think the way a person thinks!  So now a person wants to do things like thinking, understanding, investigating, and remembering with a computer machine instead of his mind!  That is why Artificial intelligence is being promoted more.  And if seen, day by day, man is losing his ability to think!  Now you must be thinking how to tell, read ahead!

A.I in Computer Science is also known as Machine Learning because machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs!  Who can access the data and learn on their own, the way humans improve their ability through their experience!  In the same way A.I has programs through which machines can learn anything.  So now you must be wondering what is the programming language that makes this work!  So know this too!

Today, Python Programming language is being used the most for A.I and Machine Learning!  If you are also interested in making software, machines, then learn Python language!  If Interested!

 Now you must know what is Artificial intelligence!

 If you have any doubt!  So you can comment me and ask questions!

 So let's now know how we will use Artificial intelligence in the future and how we are doing now!  And what are its benefits!

 You people will not believe that the popularity of Artificial intelligence is increasing with a lot of noise!  And it has become such a topic in today's time!

That its technology is being promoted in the field of business very much!  Many Specialists believe!  That A.I or computer machine learning is our future!  But if we look around us, we will find that it is not our future but the present!  Because with the development of technology we are connected with A.I somewhere!  And using it too!  How to know that about some of the A.I products available in the recent times, recently many companies have invested a lot of money on machine learning!  And because of which many A.I products and apps have become available to us!  So let's know about some A.I products and apps!

 First 1.

Google Map 

 Google, yes, it is not a watchword!  Google also makes good use of A.I in many of its applications!  But if seen, A.I Technology has been put to good use in Google Map too!  Because whenever we turn on Google Map in our phone!  So automatic GPS on our phone turns on!  And Google Map tracks our location!  And A.I uses mapping to show us the right path!  And helps us to know the right path!

 Second 2.


You must have seen Apple phone and you must have heard about its most popular popular assistant Siri!  And Apple Siri is the best example of A.I.  You can get Apple Siri to do many such things in your phone!  What we used to do earlier by typing in Internet!  Like sending a message to someone, setting a timer, or opening an application, there are many things you do in mobile!  And you can do all the work of mobile without just talking 'Hey Siri, now you must be thinking in your mind how it works like this!  People who don't know know that

Siri uses a programming machine language to understand your language!  If you are interested in machine programming language!  And you are eager to know more about it!  So you should not learn Python language without delay, do you know next Siri!  However it is only available on iPhone and iPad now!  And there are other similar devices!  Like Alexa, Cortana of Windows and

Google Assistant is the personal assistant Google Assistant!  Which are used to work like Siri!

 Third 3.

Video Games 

This is the era of technology!  In this time, no one can play a game, digital games cannot be like this, whether a child or a grown-up, every person likes to play video games in today's time!  Now you must be wondering where did A.I come from in video games!

 Yes, A.I technology is also used in video games!  If you are a fan of games then you will know that there are many games in which you cannot play alone because those games require more than one player!  There are more games like Ludo, Chase!  In which you cannot play alone but when you are alone!  So you will know that there is a computer option in these games!  With which you play!

 Yes Computer Option This option works with the help of A.I Technology!

 Fourth 4.

Smart CARS 

A. I use technology not just in smartphones!

 A.I technology is being used a lot in the field of automobiles too!  If you are a fan of cars then you will know about Tesla Cars!

 This car is one of the best automobiles available so far!  Features like self driving are also available in Tesla cars. Self driving means self driving (this vehicle drives on its own) and A.I technology is used in these vehicles.  And do not know how many more self-driving cars are being made which will become even smarter in the coming times!

 Fifth 5.

Advance Company 


If you currently work in a manufacturer (production) company!  So you will know that machine does more work than worker there!

 Yes, A.I technology is being used in the production company in very loud noise!  Earlier it took many people to do the work!  Today, with the help of machine, this work is being done quickly and much better!  And besides

 A.I technology is also used in health industry, weather for casting, financing, robotics, computer vision!

 Now you must have understood the meaning of A.I technology and you must also have known how much you are connected with A.I technology!

 Benefits of Artificial Intelligence

 Which will give a lot of comfort to humans!

 So let's now know what are the benefits of Artificial Intelligence!

 1. Use of A.I helps in making fast decisions and working quickly!

 2. A.I helps us reduce mistakes!  Increases chances of working more properly!

 3. Machines like humans do not need constant rest and freshness!  He is capable of working long hours, he is distracted, nor is he tired.

 4. Information, Defense, Health, Disaster Manager and Agriculture can bring more change with the help of A.I.

 So these were the advantages of Artificial intelligence!

 Artificial intelligence

 Which will fall heavily on humans

So let's now know about the pitfalls from Artificial intelligence!

 1. The advantages of Artificial intelligence are not very clear right now!  But it can be said about its dangers that the biggest loss due to the arrival of A.I will be of humans only!

 2. A.I will work at the place of humans and machines will start making decisions themselves and if they are not controlled then there may be danger for humans!

 3. Experts say that if thinking robots start thinking of humans as their enemies for some reason, the consequences can be very terrible for humans!

 4. There is no doubt that, A.I is snatching many jobs from humans!  Due to which the problem of unemployment is going to increase in future.

 So this was the loss due to Artificial intelligence!  You must have liked to read about the good works of Artificial intelligence!

 But when you read about the loss, you must not have liked it at all and should not feel good because when humans are in danger, how will humans feel good!  We are not saying that Artificial intelligence is bad!

 But it is said that if you use anything outside control, then its results are very bad.

 There is a car in which your family is also sitting and the speed of the car is up to 200!  Where else has it been to drive this vehicle within the speed of one hundred and fifty but if you drive it above 150 speed then your mistake can prove to be dangerous for others too!  You will die by taking others along with you!

 Some great person has said it right!

 We are talking about Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google!

Says Sundar Pichai!  We have learned to use fire and electricity for the benefit of humanity!  But it is necessary to overcome its bad aspects!

 Similarly, Artificial intelligence is also such a technique!  And we are using it for our benefit in many areas, but the truth is that if we do not find a way to avoid its risk, then it can have serious consequences for us humans!

 Because despite all the advantages, it has its own dangers!

 Friends Artificial intelligence is not a new topic. For years, it has been discussed around the world. The basis of films like Robot, Blade Runner, The Matrix, Terminator, is the basis of Artificial intelligence, where the appearance of the robot showed how it is like humans.  Thinks and how it works!

 You will be surprised to know when Artificial intelligence was started!  So let us know when Artificial intelligence started!  When humans were discovering the true power of computer systems!  Then the human mind forced them to think whether even a machine can think like humans!  And with this question the development of Artificial intelligence started!

In 1955, John McCarthy first used the term Artificial Intelligence!  He was an American computer scientist who first told about this technology in a conference in the year 1956!  Therefore, he is also called Father of Artificial intelligence!

 So friends, the complete information about Artificial intelligence was very good if you knew more about it.

 And yes, know one more thing a very great scientist has said!

Yes, Sir Stephen Hawking has said that Artificial intelligence will be the last invention in our world!  Artificial intelligence will be the end of our world!

 So friends, if such a great scientist has said this, then he must have said it after thinking something!

 Technology is good but over technology is not so good!  This earth belongs to humans, so let it be humans only, do not create robots and machines!  We hope you enjoy this information!  If you want to know more about technology related!  So you can comment us!  Forgive us if we have said anything good or bad in this!

If you want to read this blog in Hindi, then you can read it by clicking on the link given below.

Artificial intelligence


Sunday, December 27, 2020

Learn the story of Cristiano Ronaldo's amazing thinking.


 Thinking story of Cristiano Ronaldo

Hello friends, I am going to tell you about a great person in this article in my Important Thinking. Reading this carefully will force you to think of getting everything!

 You must have seen that I am talking about a human being and this is none other than Portugal's great footballer Cristiano Ronaldo!
                    Cristiano ronaldo                                                    

Yes, I am talking, who does not know this 

man of Cristiano Ronaldo, every child, ask the child, who is your favorite footballer?  No one can possibly think of him as a bong from a high class family, and this fellow Cristiano Ronaldo and he used to bong from such a family, leave the high class and not even the middle class, bong from a low class family and  Dad was a gardener who used to give water to plants and his family has two elder sisters and one elder brother and Cristiano Ronaldo who was the youngest son of that family.  There is no question that his father was a gardener, to become a football player, yes, in childhood, we play football, we play cricket, we do not know how many games we feel, what do we do, not become a businessman, become a pilot, everything  100% of children think about it as a child  I think that we will become cricketers, on the second day we think that we will become footballers, on the third day we think that we will become pilots and then think that hey man is not having fun, we will only grow up and think that there is a lot of time, yes now comes the point where  If you have thought this for a long time, then let me stay. Yes, in childhood, we think many things that we will become this, we will become that, but only 2 to 5% of 100% of the children are successful.  I tell you about the thinking of Cristiano Ronaldo about what he thought and how he achieved it

Let's know about the best and most expensive player in the world, so call it the king of the game world. There is no doubt that Leon Messi plays better football than Cristiano, yes he is also a very good player but talk about it.  Cristiano Ronaldo's story about his struggle and how he became the king of the football world

                       Cristiano ronaldo 

Cristiano Ronaldo was born on 5 February 1985 in a city Panchal in Portugal. His full name is Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aviiro. Cristiano Ronaldo, named after his father Dennis Aviero. He lived in a very small house.  He used to live very hard in the house, he used to drip to the roof of that house, but Cristiano Ronaldo's mind seemed more in the game, he did not feel much in studies, he loved playing football since childhood, so he was 8 years old.  At the age he joined the Andorina Sports Club

Now it starts from here, Cristiano tells the story of Ronaldo's struggle of football, where he has been there but he has to think where to go, then he played for many clubs from the age of 8 to the age of 12 and then he was a  He went for a trial in a bar club, seeing that his game was good, a club signed him for 1500 pounds but the club was in Portugal's capital Lisbon, so he had to leave his home and move to another city and he was very upset too.  Here comes his right thinking, he thought that if I play well there, from where will I reach and that information proved to be good and he won the game with you won the hearts of people with his magical game)

 Then his game became very good and everyone started liking his game but there came a time in his life that would make him think that at the age of 15, he came to know that he has a heart problem and the doctor gave him the running and  He refused to play football, now he had two routes or he could quit playing football or get a risky heart surgery, the doctor told him that he can even die in this heart surgery.  It is his right thinking that will decide his life, he thought that if I quit playing football, then I will die like that, I get better risky heart surgery because on one side there is jagir.  Here was the biggest turning point of his life, but God had something else to accept, this fellow had to go a long way, the surgery was successful and after a few days of rest, this fellow came back to play football here, which was his right decision.  His life was going to change

                     Cristiano Ronaldo

Then Cristiano Ronaldo attracted people from his football with a new avatar and seeing him play, Manchester, a very big club from Portugal Lisbon signed him with a huge amount and for this Cristiano Ronaldo got 17 million US  Amount of dollars was given and it was the highest amount in the history of football. At that time, again he won a lot of trophies and he also signed a contract of two thousand crores and that made him the most expensive in the world.  You had become a football player, friends of football history, after reading this story, the thought of getting everything inside you must have been awakened.

Talent is the biggest truth of life, so every human being does not appreciate that talent. Why your talent will not be identified until your bank balance is heavy, but looking at the person you read the story of, the talent  There is a lot of identity, but the person who recognizes it must be right, otherwise you are yourself, but you have the power to identify the talent. The biggest thinking is that if your thinking is right, then your talent will surely shine and you will definitely succeed  If you have seen the example, Cristiano Ronaldo would have thought that if I quit playing football, today he would have come in such a great footballer of the world to become such a big rich footballer of the world.  He lives in crores of bungalows, traveling in crores of ships, doing crores of business, if you believe in yourself and on yourself then you will definitely succeed

                       Cristiano Ronaldo

 Friends, you think in your childhood that we will become this, we will become that, you think so many people even recognize the thinking, some are left thinking, but everyone who understands their thinking properly, will always succeed in life  Goes towards the goal of the person, but what he cannot understand, he continues to think, you are far away from thinking, but you are scared of accomplishing that thing but only to defeat this fear is to win your thinking  If you keep your thinking right, then you move forward in life as you must have read in this story. An example- You know Bill Gates, you will surely know that his name comes among the richest men in the world.  Thinking so much, today we would have Microsoft window on which we can work in the computer very quickly?

                                Bill Gates
LIFE Billgate does not think this and does not even do it by thinking, do we have friends in the Microsoft Window computer, the creative is inside everyone, the mind is the difference, only the right thinking is not known, how many times in the whole day do you think how many times everything  They insist on doing it, but what happens on the second day does not even mind if Bill Gate could have thought the same, but he had to go somewhere else, were he not afraid, he did his studies in the direction of making Microsoft  I had left all night and stayed in that computer all day, but here comes the matter, he had complete confidence in himself about the right thinking and belief in him, which I thought I would definitely succeed one day or the other.  I will complete this work and will show Bill Gates had said that if you are born in a poor house then it is not your fault. You can say to God if you die poor, it is your fault you do not tell God  You guys, it's just a matter of saying that you people say that family members are not supporting us, we don't have money  If we do, then what should we do, brother, you have thought that what you have to do, if you have thought, then do it, now how to do it, also tell me whether you have a passion to work, nor will you get out of the mud and the nectar  Do not be afraid of water too, remember, you are a slave of hard work, just your hard work should be right and its thinking should be correct. If you do not think about what you think, then the time will pass, will you stay there?

 Friends, just remember this, have full faith in yourself, learn to use your thinking in the right way, then see how the journey from the earth to the sky will happen, so those who are left thinking only live on earth and those who think that thing  They make you blossom in the sky. Remember when you are in trouble, you will remember that thing, you will think that what I thought I would have accomplished, what is my life today, I think you people  There must have been some education from this story that we should have a good thinking to get everything, we should want to do everything well, as if you have already seen that how you have read how much thinking is of great importance.  In this, you know about the thinking of such great people, you know about the decision of their right thinking and you believe in their faith, I think you will like this story, then friends, this is important thinking  Thanks for reading this full story about the critical thinking you know today.

 You can come to this website to understand your thinking more and to read such stories and you can know about many such thinking, I will bring articles for you everyday which you will get many to read.  You will find articles such as thinking about the thinking of studies and will make you explorer about a lot of thinking in women, we will also know about the thinking of moon stars, if there is any interest in physics, then we will also tell you about the thinking of moon stars  You will also know if you have any interest in physics, we will also know this, thank you for reading the entire article, I hope you have liked the article, if you have felt bad in it, then forgive me?  And please comment what you felt bad?
                        Cristiano Ronaldo            

                              Bill Gates 

We thank these great human beings whom we have named in this story Bill Gate and Cristiano Ronaldo if we have written anything bad about them, please forgive us

If you want to read this blog in Hindi, then you can read it by clicking on the link given below.

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Have you ever thought what is Artificial intelligence! So let's know about Artificial intelligence!

                                ARTICLE   Get to know Artificial Intelligence  Have you ever wondered what is Artificial intelligence!  What...